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9 easy to fix reasons why your always bloated

Here are 9 common reasons why you may be experiencing bloating all the time – and some helpful tips and suggestions for improvement to help remove bloating from your days for good!

Being bloated is no fun at all. I think most of us have been there though. Whether it was that extra cookie you ate, or the extra few chips you anted to have, there no doubt been a time where you have simply just eaten too much and felt like you needed to loosen the belt a few inches just to be more comfortable!

However bloating can happen for a number of reasons – some are not related to the foods we eat. Here are some reasons why you may be experiencing bloating

Your simply overeating.

Overeating is one major cause for bloating, gas and uncomfortable digestive issues. When you overeat, you place a huge amount of stress on your digestive system, and you put strain on your internal organs that try to process all the excess food. Manage your eating by listening to your bodies fullness signals. Stop before you reach that stage of being uncomfortable. Another tip is to slow down when you eat so you digest your food more efficiently and allow your body to correctly identity when you are full.

You have a food intolerance

Certain food intolerances and sensitivities can cause your gastrointestinal system to have a more difficult time than normal. An undiagnosed intolerance can also cause a lot of bloating as the body tries to break down the food to use as fuel, so a lot of gas forms in the process. one thing you can try to do is keep a food journal and jot down when you notice bloating and what you ate prior to that so you can pinpoint triggers.

Having too much sodium in the diet

diets that are high in sodium can lead to water retention and increase the amount of gas and bloating. try to eat a whole food diet that has minimal processing added, which means minimal sodium. which leads me to the next culprit…

Consuming a lot of processed, packaged foods

Yep even ready to go convenience meals can be a problem here. Not only for the high sodium content, but for the added MSG that are typically found (and secretly snuck in!) in so many packet foods. These MSG can make you feel like you have eaten an entire days worth food one sitting, and words than that, they can disrupt your gut microbiome and damage your gut wall, leading to more than just bloating!

Eating too late at night

im a nutritionist and I am guilty of this. Honestly though there is something so enjoyable about sitting down to a meal that cannot be disturbed by tiny humans, am I right fellow mums?!

when you sleep, your digestive system isn’t working as hard as when you are awake, as well as distraction the cycle of cleanup that your gut goes through, eating late at night can cause you to retain more fluid than normal due to simply being in a horizontal state!

Drinking carbonated beverages

Carbonated beverages, which also include kombucha! are a common reason for bloating. The fizz in your drinks can cause gas to become trapped in your stomach, which can lead to bloating and burping. try to limit the amount of carbonated drinks you consume and have some peppermint tea on hand, which is great to sip on and also helps to ease bloating!

Swallowing too much air

Most people think of taking in air when they inhale, but it can also be done a number of other ways. Common daily habits—such as drinking from a straw, chewing gum and eating too quickly—are ways to add air into your digestive tract instead of your respiratory system.

When you swallow too much air you can start to feel bloated so If it’s becoming a problem, start cutting out chewing gum, eat slower and minimise the use of straws and see if that helps eases your symptoms.

Having an undiagnosed illness

There are a few conditions that can cause bloating. Heart and liver disease and venous insufficiency can cause excess fluid in the abdomen or limbs. These conditions come with more prominent and tell-tale symptoms, and your health care provider can help you identify them and other illnesses that can cause bloating.

Other gastrointestinal conditions can also cause bloating and stomach ailments. Conditions such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome can all cause bloating. Acid reflux, and the medications to treat it, can cause bloating and a feeling of increased gas in the abdomen, leading to belching.

Taking certain medications

Medications like stool softeners, birth control, aspirin, antacids, diarrhoea medications, narcotic pain tablets and fibre and iron supplements can all cause bloating, however it is very important to talk to your care provider before you stop taking these . Never cease taking prescribed medications without consulting your GP first.

When to seek help

Bloating can be normal after simply eating too much or ingesting too much air, but to can also be a sign of something more serious so it is always important to speak with your health care provider if you are experiencing chronic bloating that simply won’t go away.

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